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The Inbound Logistics Podcast is your source for relevant, interesting, and topical logistics and supply chain management information. Tune in for a direct line to the industry's top thought leaders.

Apr 21, 2023

The simple act of moving freight is hardly simple and can take hours or even days to complete. What if there was an innovative suite of hardware to modernize and transform how freight is loaded, unloaded and transferred? Meet Vaux from ArcBest which enables the entire contents of a trailer to be unloaded in under five...

Apr 10, 2023

Rates shift as dynamically as the market does so it’s important for shippers to have some benchmarks in place to navigate it as cleanly (and cheaply) as possible. However, that requires investing a lot of time and focus on top of simply getting the job done right. So where can they go to manage all the information...

Apr 5, 2023

Like many industries, rail shipping hit the brakes during the pandemic and has found itself in an uphill climb to catch up to its trucking counterparts. When it comes to things like finding rail-served sites, or managing transloading operations, the task seems daunting and complex. But, with continued...