Aug 28, 2018
For many shippers and carriers, the current freight market is experiencing a capacity crunch that requires shifts in supply chain. From leveraging technology to carefully mining data from detailed indexes, businesses are working to better position themselves in an increasingly constrained marketplace. Ivan Zenovic of...
Aug 28, 2018
If you ask some shippers today, one of the main concerns that comes up is that of capacity or more specifically, the lack of it. This capacity crunch is forcing some companies to explore different options in order to keep their supply chains on track. One of those options is the move to a dedicated solution. Haroon Syed...
Aug 27, 2018
Internal audits are an integral part of any effective compliance program. Monitoring your performance, and that of your Customs broker, can help uncover risks, and, lead to improved overall supply chain performance. Tammy Hetrick, of A.N. Deringer explains why these audits are necessary and why they don’t always need...
Aug 27, 2018
As global trade increases in complexity, global safety and compliance standards have to adapt to keep pace. One important aspect that directly impacts consumer safety is product testing. Gary Barraco of Amber Road joins us to explain how to better read the product safety regulatory environment and develop strong testing...